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Carl Purcell: Plein Air Watercolor Workshop

jue 30 de sep


111 E 100 N

Thursday, September 30 & Friday, October 1, 2021

Carl Purcell: Plein Air Watercolor Workshop
Carl Purcell: Plein Air Watercolor Workshop

Horario y ubicación

30 sep 2021, 8:00 a.m. GMT-6 – 01 oct 2021, 4:00 p.m. GMT-6

111 E 100 N, 111 E 100 N, Moab, UT 84532, USA

Acerca del evento

This course will teach you how to simplify the landscape into patterns of shapes that will produce stronger paintings. You will learn how to select the details that will enhance the shapes, and how to edit out distracting details so the focus remains on your main area of dominance.


• 3 to 4 sheets of watercolor paper for each day. Quarter sheet is fine, or half sheet depending on your preference. I prefer to use either 140 lb Arches rough, or 300 lb Arches rough. I like the way the water flows on this surface.

•  I use almost exclusively Daniel Smith professional tube colors for their permanence and transparent qualities.The colors I recommend for this area are Quinacridone Sienna, Transparent Pyrol Orange, Yellow Ochre, New Gamboge, Quinacridone red, Carbazole Violet, Manganese Blue Hue, Horizon Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Sap Green.

• Your brushes should include a good 1/2 inch flat brush, a pointed round #12 and a pointed round #4 or 6. Loew-Cornell makes excellent rounds and the points are fine. If your rounds have worn out points you should get new ones.

 • You should also have paper towels, camp stool, umbrella and water container.


  • Carl Purcell: Watercolor

    250,00 US$
    Venta finalizada


0,00 US$

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